CHWARI’s Story

Welcome to the Community Health Worker Association of Rhode Island (CHWARI)! CHWARI actively supports invaluable frontline healthcare and community empowerment workers who focus their attention on underserved communities. We help Community Health Workers (CHWs) in their crucial work to ensure access to high quality healthcare and social services for people most in need. Click the maroon button now to Join CHWARI and become informed about employment, professional development, and advocacy opportunities for RI’s Community Health Workers!

CHWARI helps Community Health Workers in the following ways:

  • Posts trainings and professional development opportunities
  • Provides job-finding and networking opportunities
  • Advocates for CHW livable wages and professional identity
  • Provides a space for CHW peer support
  • Highlights CHWs in the news

Join CHWARI today for access to our:

  • Newsletter
  • Training Updates
  • Job Postings
  • Community Support!
JerryMariy Community Health Worker Training

CHW Success Story!

Hear Nichole White’s CHW Training Story and how it landed her CHW jobs! Then contact us about the next CHW Core Competency Training!

Nicole White Community Health Worker


The Community Health Worker Association of Rhode Island (CHWARI) was the brainchild of a group of people working in community health in 2009. They established an organization to provide CHWs resources around trainings and other professional development opportunities. The Association also was deeply involved in creating a curriculum for training potential CHWs. The fruits of their efforts have formed the foundation for today’s certification requirements for CHWs in Rhode Island. Due to lack of financial sustainability, CHWARI had to cease operations in 2015, but two years later a Real Jobs grant from the Department of Labor and Training has enabled CHWARI to reactivate.

CHWARI is operated out of the office of the Institute for Education in Healthcare at Rhode Island College, a 501(c) organization.