Free Professional chw materials froM RIDOH
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) has worked hard to put together professional materials to elevate the CHW profession and roles in Rhode Island. Use these resources to help explain what a CHW is, and how CHWs can help!

Awesome campaign materials include:
- Videos introducing the CHW role in English and Spanish. View them here and help share on social media, in newsletters, on your websites, and in trainings!
- Social media assets: Download this Toolkit to get started! This includes sample messaging, instructions for logo use and campaign images, plus other guidance.
- Brochures (English and Spanish) are available for download at any time and you can print yourself. Free hard copies are available for mail order from the RIDOH Distribution Center. There is a spot on the back to put your contact information – so basically, it is your new, free CHW brochure!!! (Please check out other free RIDOH materials there in the meantime!)
- Soapboxx: Make a CHW video at no cost to you or your organization! Visit this page to make one and to see those that are already made. (Be natural! No script needed!) Within about a week, RIDOH wil publish it. You may use these published videos on social media, wherever useful to share your story!
Food Security
- Kids Café:
- RI Community Food Bank Food Assistance Search Tool
- Meals on Wheels Rhode Island:
- 211 number/webpage
- SNAP Outreach, useful for those signing people up for SNAP
- Comprehensive videos about all Rhode Island Food Programs: English Spanish
- URI Community Nutrition Information Page: Food Education Handouts, Curriculums and Games in English, Spanish & Portuguese.
- Rhode Island Housing:
- Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless:
- Wait List Central:
- CHWARI CHW Core Competency Training – offered twice a year – email interest to [email protected]
- CHWARI Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes Management Training – offered throughout the year – email interest to [email protected]
- CHWARI CHWs Working with Older Adults Training – offered throughout the year – email interest to [email protected]
- Clinica Esperanza Advanced Navegante Training
- Community Health Innovations CHW training by employer contract
- Global Community Health Workers:
Outreach methods training in Spanish
New England Public Health Training Center’s CHW self-paced online training Introduction to Outreach Methods and Strategies is also available in Spanish: Introducción a los Métodos y Estrategias de Alcance.

Introducción a los Métodos y Estrategias de Alcance
¿Cómo pueden los trabajadores en el campo de la salud crear planes de alcance
efectivos que resuelvan las necesidades de las poblaciones vulnerables? Conoce
los componentes clave de un plan de alcance efectivo.
Tras completar este curso, podrás:
- Describir qué son las tareas de alcance y los componentes del
- Modelo de Alcance de la Salud
- Identificar las cualidades y características de una población
vulnerable y qué inicia el trabajo de alcance - Conocer tips que te mantendrán seguro en tus esfuerzos
- Describir cómo seleccionar métodos y estrategias de alcance
efectivos - Listar los elementos de un plan de alcance efectivo
RI DOH Report “CHWs in RI”
RI Department of Health Report “Community Health Workers in RI: Growing a public health workforce for a healthier state”: To find out about CHWs in RI — where they work, what they do, how they train, who funds them, who gets CHW services, see the full report by linking here.

Smiles for life- An oral Health Curriculum
Smiles for Life produces educational resources to ensure the integration of oral health and primary care. Register and take the online training at this link:
Ideas for crafting CHW Programs in Rural Communities
For ideas about crafting community health programs in rural areas, link here.
YouTube video promoting Community Health Network Classes
Perinatal / Women’s Health
- Opiod Exposure in Pregnancy: WIHRI provides care for perinatal women with Opioid Use Disorder prenatally through toddlerhood.. See this brochure for a list of services including: Clinical navigation, prenatal consultation, and a family care unit where mothers and infants with opiod exposure receive care together.
- Provider Support: MomsPRN is a specialized Mental Health Teleconsultation Available for Rhode Island Healthcare Providers. This is free support for providers (including CCHW) serving pregnant, postpartum, or pediatric patients.
- CCHW’s can call with resource and referral questions.
- Call RI MomsPRN, Monday-Friday, 401-430-2800
- See brochure.
- RI Doula Referral Hotline: 1-833-RI-Doula (1-833-743-6852)
- RI Doula Bill Quick Fact Sheet – The bill was passed in 7/22. Families with private insurance and Medicaid in Rhode Island can now receive doula services paid for by their insurance.
- Doula Trainings. OurJourn3i offers ‘Doula Training’ via their COPE (Community Outreach Perinatal Educator Program), an Independent Doula Provider Workforce Development Training. These courses are multiple times a year and will be advertised via the CHWARI Newsletter and announced on their Facebook.
- WIHRI Center for Women’s Behavioral Health – provides behavioral health support for perinatal women. Go to Behavioral Health Services | Women & Infants Hospital ( for complete list that includes: Substance use services, Moms MATTER Clinic (Medication Asssisted Treatment in pregnancy), and the Day Hospital, mother and baby unit for perinatal mental health.
- September Mental Health Trainings: Two trainings will be offered in September 2023 to educate on Perinatal Mood Disorders.
- Neonatal Opiod Withdrawal Syndrome Research Opportunities at WIHRI. Read more.
- Resources & Trainings: The Institute for Perinatal Quality Improvement ‘uses improvement science to design safe, equitable, perinatal care’ and has training and resources on their website:
- WIHRI Warm-line: Women & Infants Hospital Warm-line, a toll-free telephone support system for new parents. This popular service, staffed by professional nurses, offers helpful information regarding your new baby, breastfeeding tips, and postpartum issues.
- The Warm Line may be reached by calling 1 (800) 711-7011.
- Diapers Etc. Project Undercover aims to meet emergency needs by supplying diapers, underwear and socks to RI families in need. PH: (401) 773-4250.
- SSTARbirth is a long-term, residential substance abuse treatment program specifically designed for pregnant, postpartum and parenting women. SSTARbirth is the only specialty program of its kind, in the state of Rhode Island. They are a family reunification program and women participate in treatment with their young children. PH: 401-463-6001.
- Amos House, Recovery-based Shelter Housing, Mother-child Reunification and Fatherhood Programs
- COVID-19 CDC recommendations for pregnant or breastfeeding women
- RIDOH Office of Family Visiting: RIDOH Family Visiting Programs are all free and voluntary, for expectant caregivers and families with children under 4 years old in RI. Family visiting staff are trained in many areas including child development, behavioral health screenings, and supporting high-risk families (including DCYF, substance-exposed newborns, homeless families, etc.)
- Connexion Intimacy Resource Center – Connexión is the first multicultural, multi-lingual intimacy resource center in RI that supports adult learners through compassionate sex-education and application.
- Doulas Conectadas is a collective of bilingual doulas that are serving the PVD, PWT, CF, Woonsocket areas. See flyer or contact them at [email protected].
Health & WellBeing
- Rhode Island Free Clinic:
- Clinica Esperanza
- Department of Health RI:
- 24 Hour Buprenorphine Hotline
- National Alliance on Mental Illness RI support groups
- OCHER webinar: CHW Panel on Mental Health Resilience
- Love Your Brain Program for those suffering from TBI, including concussion
Mental Health & aDDICTION
- National Association of Mental Illness RI (NAMI RI):
- Mental Health Association of RI:
- Mental Health and Wellness for Medical Professionals
- Overcoming Addiction During Covid-19 an article that discusses ways to avoid alcohol addiction during these difficult times and provide treatments
- Can Depression Lead to Substance Use? Describes symptoms of depression and provides treatment options to help those who are struggling
- Covid-19 & Addiction An article that explains the risks of being untreated and provides treatment options for those who are struggling
- Pandemic Problem Drinking explains signs of addiction and provides sober activities for individuals to practice
- Reliable, free resources to help yourself or a loved one.
For those seeking help with addiction, see the free rehab directory to locate the nearest treatment facilities
- RI Department of Labor and Training:
- CHWARI Jobs Page
- Youth Pride:
- Queer RI is “A collaborative hub of LGBTQ+ resources in the state of Rhode Island and beyond.” It is a wonderful resource for anyone looking for Queer-focused supports here locally, including lists of Queer-affirming businesses, medical providers, and books!
- The Fenway Institute’s National Center for LGBTQIA+ Health Education is an incredible repository of learning opportunities. Fenway’s archives are free to access and include print resources, publications, and webinars, many of which have attached free CEUs/CMEs for healthcare professionals! Their archives cover almost every topic related to LGBTQIA+ health, and one huge strong suit of this resource is the strong focus on intersectional identities.
- Lambda Legal is one of the most well-known civil rights organizations fighting for justice in the queer community. Their incredibly detailed “Know Your Rights” page is a hub that connects viewers to various pages related to legal rights for certain groups. They also have a very detailed page dedicated to the changing of identity documents, a key need and huge battle for many transgender Americans.
- Providence Youth Student Movement
- is the Center for Excellence in LGBTQ+ Behavioural Healthcare. This resource has many publications, best practices, and recorded webinars for folks to engage with. It is focused on Mental Health and Recovery Professionals, but many trainings would also benefit medical professionals, allied health professionals, and other human services professionals.
- The Family Acceptance Project (FAP) is an educational initiative focused on educating parents and other family members about the impact of acceptance and accepting behaviours on the mental health of queer youth. It houses many resources, including many amazing posters in several languages.
- Haus of Codec is the first shelter program for LGBTQ+ young adults experiencing homelessness in RI. They provide emergency housing, run a monthly LGBTQ+ marketplace, and support many of the queer events and organizations in the state!
- The Human Rights Campaign is a nationally recognized campaign for equity for LGBTQ+ Americans. They support the queer community via advocacy and political activism, as well as educational initiatives. They are behind the famous yellow and blue equal sign stickers!
- WPATH is the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which publishes the “Standards of Care” for the medical and mental health treatment of transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming individuals. These standards are used by medical professionals, including surgeons, in many places worldwide to inform their practices of gender-affirming care. WPATH also has a certification course for professionals specializing in Transgender Healthcare.
- Path2FamilyEquity is a safety initiative focused on protecting transgender youth and their families from the deleterious effects of recent anti-trans legislative attacks. It holds many resources and supportive information for families to make informed decisions about how to protect themselves.
- ISNA is an organization that focuses on education about and equity for intersex persons. They have a variety of important, fact-based resources to help people understand differences of sexual development.
- SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders)
- Connexion Intimacy Resource Center – Connexión is the first multicultural, multi-lingual intimacy resource center in RI that supports adult learners through compassionate sex-education and application.
- Senior Living in Rhode Island:
- Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging:
- Age Friendly RI:
Families & Foster Care
- Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN):
- Family Service of Rhode Island:
- Administration for Children and Families (ACF):
- Counseling-and-Family-Support-Brochure.pdf ( Adoption Rhode Island is a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to create safety, belonging an permanency for adopted and foster children, vulnerable youth, and families through compassionate services, advocacy, and education.
- Foster Forward: Foster Forward – Empowering Lives. Fostering Futures.: Foster Forward’s mission is to empower lives impacted by foster care. We have an unwavering commitment to support children and youth, families, and the child welfare system as a whole, to grow, connect, improve, and move forward.
- The Village: For RI Foster & Adoptive Families
- Click here for resources that are available for caregivers ages 55+.
- Click here if you’d like to sign up for deals & discounts, local activities & resources and other information.
- Click here to visit our website at
- Click here to like our Facebook page – RI Kinship Community Connections
- Rhode Island’s adoption assistance:
Additional Community Resources
- United Way of Rhode Island:
- Cross Roads of Rhode Island:
- Community Care Alliance:
- Department of Human Resources:
- RI Community Association of Community and Action Agency
- AIDS Project Rhode Island:
- Rhode Island Department of Health Resource Page:
- Lifespan of RI:
- Project Webber Renew – Project Weber/RENEW provides peer-led harm reduction and recovery support services, builds relationships with the people they serve, and fights for systemic change. They empower people who engage in drug use and/or sex work to make healthier and safer choices in their own lives.
- AIDS Care Ocean State RI – AIDS Care Ocean State is dedicated to providing quality housing, case management, medical and nursing care, and prevention to adults, families, adolescents and children who are affected by or at risk for HIV infection.
Veterans’ Needs
VA Housing Grants for Disabled Veterans
Current VA Loan Rates Available Locally
Top 60 Veteran & Military-Friendly Employers
College Resources for Veterans and Their Families
Top 10 Work from Home Jobs for Military Spouses & Veterans with Disability
Trusted Military and Veteran Service Organizations
Highly-Rated Nonprofits Dedicated to Veterans and Military Service Members
Love Your Brain Program for TBI
- RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals:
- Community Partnership Network of Rhode Island (CPNRI):