
Applying for Certification:

The Rhode Island Certification Board certifies Community Health Workers and renews certification every two years if requirements are met.  The initial application includes the following requirements:

  • 70 hours of CHW training
  • 6 months work as a CHW or 1000 hours
  • 50 hours of supervision
  • Portfolio
  • $125 fee

For a fuller description and the application material itself, please visit the RICB at ricertboard.org/cchw. For training options see our page: Getting Started as a CHW in RI

Help with Applications

Periodically, CHWARI holds certification application workshops (see schedule) to help those who have already met the above requirements think through their portfolios and prepare their applications. Watch the recording from January 19, 2023’s workshop here.

To learn about the next such workshop, pay attention to our e-news by signing up here or keeping an eye on our calendar.

Getting Verification of Your Certification for Other States/ Jobs

If you are a CCHW and need to share the status of your certification with an organization like a potential employer, email info@ricertboard.org with the verification request. Include the organization/state information that is requesting it and where it should be sent. If the organization is requesting anything else specific, include that.

Getting CHW Hours Necessary for Certification

For those who do not yet have enough hours (1000 hours of CHW related work) for CHW Certification, below is a list of organizations to look at that may help you achieve the RICB’s hour requirement. Please reach out to joinchwari@gmail.com with any questions! Please note – Volunteer hours need to be documented.

AND we are looking to improve this list! If you know of an organization who needs CHW volunteers – please share that info with joinchwari@gmail.com with our thanks!

Potential Organizations to Gain CHW Volunteer Hours at:

Renewing Certification:

CHWARI’s guide with HELPFUL TIPS on renewing your Community Health Worker Certification here (updated for 2020).

For more information, FAQ’s and both applications visit the Recertification Page of RICB’s website.
