CHWARI Trainings

The Community Health Worker Association of Rhode Island offers the following trainings to boost the skills and effectiveness of your workforce! Some of these trainings are only offered once a year, some more often.  Read full course descriptions below and check out our calendar and newsletter for upcoming dates.

RI Certification Board (RICB) Credential Trainings:

This training is intended to prepare participants for entry-level CHW positions in community-based social service, healthcare and behavioral health settings. It addresses the nine Core Competencies of a CHW and, along with 1000 CHW hours, qualifies one to apply for the RICB CHW Certification (CCHW).

This entry level curriculum will provide specialized training for community health workers serving people living with, at risk for, and impacted by, HIV/AIDS. “I work with HIV positive women. This training made me feel more comfortable with my engagement skills,” stated course participant, Katie Gonzalez, CCHW, CPRS. 

Help aging clients live longer, healthier more vibrant lives! This training’s full title is “Building Holistic Partnerships with Older Adults:  A Community Health Work, Person-Centered & Social Determinants of Health Approach.”

Diabetes and heart disease often go hand in hand and heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Participants learn how to effectively help community members manage their chronic conditions to live longer, healthier lives!

CHWARI Specialty Trainings:

Designed by CHWs for CHWs, this advanced training is for those currently in the supervisor role or preparing for it. This training gives CHWs the tools to maximize effectiveness. Experience as a CHW or deep familiarity with CHW work required.

CHWs will acquire a deeper understanding of the areas of public health and relationships between health of individuals, organized entities, and systems. They will gain the skills necessary to advocate for systems-level change towards improving public health in RI and more!

This training is an immersive conversational experience to develop self-awareness and empowerment in the face of racial discrimination, as well as to share strategies and resources to promote racial and social justice in Rhode Island.

This training aids CHWs in addressing interpersonal violence experienced by clients and help them to access community resources. This course will prepare community health workers with the skills needed to be a victim service advocate.

Oral Health affects overall health! Learn the basics to keep your clients healthy! The chief of the Oral Health Program at the RI Department of Health instructs.

Many Rhode islanders are spending more than half of their income on housing, when they can find it. This training introduces CHWs to the “lay of the land” regarding housing in RI. They will learn about housing resources, challenges, partnering opportunities, advocacy, and employment of CHWs in the sector.