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Racial and Social Justice Training

Racial and Social Justice Training for CHWs

Thursdays: August 10, 17, & 24
9:00 am-4:00 pm
*Must attend all sessions*

Want to combat racism and promote social justice at work and in your communities?

This training will bring you together with other CHWs to share experiences and ideas for resisting racist and unjust policies and practices, and for better understanding and practicing cultural humility. Come do some deep diving into how to positively and systematically impact the workplace and your communities!

This training is a total of 30 hours including instruction (23 hours) and self-paced work (7 hours).

If you have any questions, please email CHWARI’s CHW Communications & Outreach Assistant, Dimaura Tavares, at dtavares@ric.edu. The deadline for the application has been extended to Monday July 31, Noon.

This FREE training is funded by the Rhode Island Department of Health and is delivered by the Community Health Worker Association of RI housed at the Institute for Education in Healthcare at Rhode Island College.