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Talk Saves Lives en Español

November 21, 2023 : 12:00 pm 1:30 pm

Talk Saves Lives™ (TSL): Para las comunidades latinx e hispanas

Esta presentación cubrirá lo que sabemos sobre la salud mental y el suicidio, la investigación más actualizada sobre la prevención y lo que todos podemos hacer para ayudar a salvar vidas.
Los participantes aprenderán sobre los factores de riesgo más comunes y las señales de advertencia en las comunidades latinx e hispanas, así como la forma de mantenernos a nosotros mismos, a nuestros seres queridos y a los de nuestra comunidad a salvo.

Los participantes serán capaces de:

  • Describir el alcance del problema del suicidio en las comunidades latinx e hispanas
  • Describir el riesgo de suicidio y los factores de protección específicos de las
    comunidades latinx e hispanas
  • Describir las señales de advertencia del suicidio
  • Explicar cómo obtener ayuda para uno mismo o para alguien en una crisis suicida
  • Explicar cómo buscar y ofrecer apoyo para uno mismo o para otros.

Talk Saves Lives for Hispanic /Latinx Communities

Talk Saves Lives is AFSP‘s introduction to suicide prevention program that covers the scope of this leading cause of death, what the research has found to be the warning signs and risk factors of suicide, and the strategies that prevent it.

This presentation will cover what we know about mental health and suicide, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to help save lives.
Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs in Latinx and Hispanic communities, as well as how to keep ourselves, our loved ones and those in our community safe.

This module focuses on Latinx and Hispanic populations. This training will be presented in Spanish. We are looking into an English translation during the Zoom but that is only a tenative option. If you would like to attend Talk Saves Lives in English, go to www.afsp.org/rhodeisland to choose a date and register.   

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the scope of the problem of suicide within Latinx and Hispanic Communities
  • Describe suicide risk and protective factors specific to Latinx and Hispanic Communities
  • Describe warning signs of suicide
  • Explain how to get help for yourself or someone in a suicidal crisis
  • Explain how to seek and offer support for yourself or others