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Evaluating a Care Management Program for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries

Join professionals from RIPIN and researchers from Brown University's School of Public Health to learn how community health workers (CHWs) and community-based care management practices led to a reduction in hospital admissions and health care costs. "Collaborating with RIPIN to evaluate their program is an example of connecting researchers with community organizers to improve public ...

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Event Series Latinx CHW Support Group

Latinx CHW Support Group

EL GRUPO DE APOYO PARA TRABAJADORES DE LA SALUD LATINOS Si! Llego a RI, ahora tendremos la oportunidad de que nuestras voces sean oidas, podamos expresarnos con libertad y lo mas importante, recibir el apoyo que necesitamos.  Este grupo de apoyo continuara reuniendose dos veces al mes, cada dos Martes de 5pm a 6pm. Las clases se ...

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