
Join CHWARI to get emailed announcements! Recent featured news below! Our complete e-news archive is here.

Swanette Shares 2/28/25

This information was shared in an email from Swanette Salazar CCHW on 2/28/25, in her role as the Lead Community Health Worker Consultant – Rhode 2 Equity(CTC-RI). Some of this info is in the CHWARI Newsletter – some is not due to time issues. We will try to post updates like this on our website…

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Protect Medicaid Resources

The House Budget Committee has approved a budget resolution that includes a minimum of $880 Billion in cuts to Medicaid. This is NOT a drill — if you haven’t activated your networks yet, please do so IMMEDIATELY!

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Swanette Shares 2/13/25

Hello everyone,

If you are planning to visit Washington, D.C. in March for the NACHW Capitol Hill visit, I invite you to join us for the February CHW Voices session…

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Swanette Shares 12/30/24

Timely resources compiled by Swanette Salazar, CCHW
Lead Community Health Worker – First Connections Program Lead Community Health Worker Consultant – Rhode 2 Equity(CTC-RI)

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Roadmap Summit Recap

On December 4, 2024, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) hosted a special summit at District Hall in Providence to celebrate the progress of the CHW Roadmap project including its four key components: CHW Role, Agency, and Leadership; Payment and Sustainability; Person, Place-based Coordination; and Workforce Development for Supervisors and CHWs.

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Swanette Shares 12/16/24

This information was shared in an email from Swanette Salazar CCHW on 12/16/24, in her role as the Lead Community Health Worker Consultant – Rhode 2 Equity(CTC-RI). Some of this info is in the CHWARI Newsletter – some is not due to time issues. We will try to post updates like this on our website…

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Swanette Shares 11/12/24

This information was shared in an email from Swanette Salazar CCHW, in her role as the Lead Community Health Worker Consultant – Rhode 2 Equity(CTC-RI). Some of this info is in the CHWARI Newsletter – some is not due to time issues. We will try to post updates like this on our website so that…

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CHWARI Director Sarah Lawrence Starts New Career After 7 Devoted Years

10/21/24 Dear CHW community, It is with a grateful heart that I inform you I am resigning as Director of the Community Health Worker Association of Rhode Island. Throughout these past 7 years, I have been deeply inspired by community health workers’ compassion, professional dedication, and reverence for human dignity. You have shifted my own…

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Clinica Esperanza’s Advanced Navegante (CHW) Training Program is OPEN!

  The next Advanced Navegante ten-week cohort run by Clinica Esperanza starts this upcoming Monday, September 30th! This program is appropriate for those who are bilingual (English and Spanish) and looking to be trained as CHWs. Due to grant limitations CHWARI cannot offer as many core trainings to the public as we did last year. Training…

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URGENT: Testify at State Senate Tuesday 4/2 @4pm on CHW Bill!📣

Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 2nd starting at 4pm, a major bill concerning CHWs will be heard at the RI State House.

Currently, CHW services are not billable to private insurance which leaves CHWs mostly funded by grants or Medicaid. This is not sustainable and many grants will end this year! In addition to giving more patients access to vital…

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Walking Group for Cranston Residents

Walking Group for Cranston Residents! And a GREAT example of CHWs taking action to meet community needs!   Announcing, the “Winter Walk & Talk” program in Cranston! Salvatore Nacci, CHW – Older Adults, shares how it got started, “The idea originated within my team here at The OneCranston HEZ. Our Physical Health & Nutrition workgroup had been interested…

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Federal Medicare to Cover CHW and Peer Support Services!!!!

Big GREAT News for CHWs! Up until now, some individual states (including RI!) have been setting up their own Medicaid reimbursement for CHW services. Now the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have finalized policy changes for MediCARE payments effective on or after January 1, 2024 that cover “services involving community health workers,…

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Resources for Pregnant People & Substance-Exposed Newborns

This is copied from a Rhode Island Department of Health email sent on June 26, 2023 from   June 26, 2023Resources and Educational Materials to Support Pregnant People Who Use Substances and Substance-Exposed Newborns The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is working to raise awareness and offer resources to healthcare providers around substance use conditions,…

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April 5 Summit Kicks Off RI’s CHW Roadmap Design Project!  

On April 5 at District Hall in Downtown Providence, many CHWs champions and allies came together to collectively envision what’s possible for CHWs in Rhode Island. Of the 91 participants, at least 38 were CHWs! Soma Saha, MD, MS from WE in the World led the activities, with support from the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Care Transformation Collaborative of…

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Providence Vaccination Clinics

On March 22, 28, & 30, the Rhode Island Department of Health and Rhode Island schools are offering COVID-19 vaccination clinics to help people get their COVID-19 bivalent booster

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